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TitleOral Activity Ideas, Part 1
Several FLTEACH listserv subscribers recently suggested oral activities for language classrooms.

Idea 1: I create "Entrevistas" [interviews] for the students using target vocabulary. Ex: ¿Adónde fuiste anoche? ¿Comiste en la cafetería ayer? ¿Compraste un regalo la semana pasada? etc. I usually have 6 to 10 questions. They travel around the room gathering information.
I create a grid for the Entrevista:
Space One - Question
Space Two - Person asked
Space Three - Their answer

Idea 2: I use the format of "Saca Cinco" but I call it "Adivina Cinco." [guess five]
Create a list of 20 phrases and a Game One/Game Two column
La Pregunta: Juego 1 Juego 2
Ex: conseguir un mapa _________ ________
facturar el equipaje _________ ________
desembarcar el avión _________ ________
abordar el avión __________ ________
comer algo en el aeropuerto _________ ________
comprar el boleto de avión _________ ________
Directions: Each student choses FIVE things he has done to take a trip. Do not let anyone see the five things he/she picks. Put the students in pairs.
Student A asks his/her partner: ¿Conseguiste un mapa?
If Student B checked this on his paper, he/she answers "Si lo conseguí."
If Student B DIDN't check it, he/she says "No, no lo conseguí."
This is a good activity to do with any verbal phrases to get them talking. Require that they use complete sentences for asking and answering.

Idea 3: GUERRA
This is like war in that cards are flipped over and the students must make sentences with the three cards that are flipped.
Stack One...Subjects...Make some of them Funny...Barack and the Three Stooges, Your principal and Pee Wee Herman, Bart Simpson, etc.
Stack Two...Verb Phrases..take out the trash...clean the homework
Stack Three...adverbs..after class, before school...Friday nights...constantly...on Thursdays..everyday....last night
Put all the subject cards, verb phrase cards and adverb cards in their individual stacks (I use l/2 index cards) upside down. The students (in pairs) turn one card of each pile over and compose a sentence. They like making funny sentences.
Ex: The Three Stooges festejaron la Navidad en casa de (principal's house). [The Three Stooges celebrated Christmas in the principal’s house.]
Keep on the kids to make sure they are conjugating the verbs

Chapter Questions: For each chapter in your text, create a list of 20 to 30 questions. Have the students question each other using these questions.

Short Stories: Create a short story using your vocabulary. After the students read it, I asked questions, but you could create questions that they could ask each other OR better yet, give them question words and let them create their own questions to ask each other.


Jones, S. Re: [FLTEACH] Oral activities for the foreign language classroom and picture ... Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 6 Apr 2009).

Battleship instructions

Construct a grid with verbs across the top and persons on the side (or vice versa)

Pair students, give them each a grid and have them draw in their battleships in squares of their choice and not show these to their partners. Pick a number of ships depending on the size of your grid and have each student draw the same number of ships.

Students ask their partners questions by choosing a verb and a person to zero in on a space in the grid. Such as Do you wash the cat?

If the partner has a ship in that space, he/she answers Yes, I wash the cat.

If they don't have a ship in that space, he/she answers No, I don't wash the cat.

They take turns asking questions in this manner until one of the partners has sunk all of the battle ships of their opponent.

Charland, G. Re: [FLTEACH] Oral activities for the foreign language classroom and picture .... Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 6 Apr 2009).

See more oral activities in next week's InterCom.
Inputdate2009-04-21 07:46:59
Lastmodifieddate2009-04-21 07:46:59
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Publishdate2009-04-27 00:00:00
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