View Content #9350

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TitleLanguage Center Director Position, University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts (CLA) seeks qualified candidates for the position of Director of the CLA Language Center. The mission of the Language Center is to advance second language, literature, and culture education by providing leadership in integrating technology with instruction and learning in the College, the University, the state of Minnesota and beyond.

The Director will provide intellectual leadership for the Language Center to meet the overall college goal of visible, integrated, and distinctive services in technology-enhanced instruction, Responsibilities will include oversight of the Language Center facilities, services, programs, courses, personnel, and budget as well as supervision of planning and establishment of priorities that lead to innovations and improvements in language teaching and curriculum; promotion and participation in research and materials development in language teaching/learning and technology; and collaboration with related College, University, and community partners to advance Center and College goals related to language instruction.

For more information and to apply (applicants must apply online), please go to

Please direct questions to Vivian Ramirez in the CLA Deans' Office:

The U of M is an equal opportunity employer.

Johnshoy, M. Language Center Director position, University of Minnesota. Calico discussion list (CALICO-L@mail.MODLANG.TXSTATE.EDU, 8 Apr 2009).
SourceCALICO Discussion List
Inputdate2009-04-15 04:27:08
Lastmodifieddate2009-04-15 04:27:08
Expdate2010-04-14 00:00:00
Publishdate2009-04-20 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set