View Content #9256

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TitleNCES State Education Reforms (SER) Site Has Been Reorganized
The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has just reorganized the State Education Reforms (SER) website. Modifications to the website include a revised classification of state- reform efforts and improved table accessibility. The SER website now categorizes reform activities into five areas: 1) accountability; 2) assessment and standards; 3) staff qualifications and development; 4) state support for school choice and other options; and 5) student readiness and progress through school.

In addition to the reorganization, the SER website has updated a selection of tables within the "accountability" and "assessment and standards" areas, and has added a new table on state policies regarding the teaching of English Language Learners in the "staff qualifications and development" area. To locate these tables on the website, please look for the "Updated!" and "New!" tags next to the table titles.

To view the site, please visit:
SourceIES Newsflash Information Service
Inputdate2009-03-26 01:13:28
Lastmodifieddate2009-03-26 01:13:28
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2009-03-30 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set