View Content #9202

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TitleEditorial: Globalization Demands More Foreign-Language Study, Not Less

Globalization demands more foreign-language study, not less
Foreign-language programs are tempting targets for Washington's universities and community colleges looking to save money, but steep cuts in foreign studies is penny-wise and pound-foolish.
Seattle Times editorial
March 16, 2009

UNIVERSITIES and community colleges looking to trim foreign-language study to help balance budgets must beware of trading short-term relief for long-term headaches.

The University of Washington changed policy to allow students with three years of high-school foreign-language study to meet its undergraduate-language requirement, thus bypassing proficiency tests and introductory courses.

The move saves money, particularly for those students stuck in beginning French when they did not need it. But it has worrisome implications for the future. The changes push the onus for foreign-language proficiency down to high schools, where many foreign-language offerings are either nonexistent or lacking in rigor.

Read the full editorial at .
SourceSeattle Times
Inputdate2009-03-21 09:50:02
Lastmodifieddate2009-03-21 09:50:02
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2009-03-23 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set