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TitleIdeas for Teaching Clothing, Part 1
BodyRecently several Improving Early Language Programs listserv subscribers shared their ideas for teaching clothing. Here are some of them:

I teach classes to 2 to 6 year olds...I teach a few basic clothes as part of a song about waking up in the morning by bringing in paper doll clothes for ME...I cut them from poster board. Kids think it's pretty fun. I only do camisa and it might be harder with a more comprehensive unit on la ropa. But the giant nature of the prop is fun...just one thought.

I also taught a 4th/5th grade class many years ago, and I had the kids draw and cut out articles of clothing from construction paper and then we hung them on a clothes line across the classroom. They labeled each piece and modified it with the color. Los zapatos rojos. La camisa azul...They enjoyed it, and got to see their work displayed in a fun and colorful way.

PiƱa Madera. re:[nandu] Introducing Clothing in Spanish. Improving Early Language Programs listserv (, 6 Mar 2009).

I sing the heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes tune as we mime getting on our outerwear in the winter. I teach Italian so here it is in English.

Then, I call out an item and they mime putting it on. You can play 'Simon Says' with these items. too.
Part of its success is in having really cute actions for each item of clothing.

Hat, Jacket Pants Boots
Pants Boot
Pants Boots
Hat Jacket Pants and Boots

Earmuffs, Hood
Scarf and Gloves

You can then sing it all backwards.
I made a powerpoint of it, too.
Sometimes we pair it with the body part that wears that item.

Judith Mazziotti. [nandu] Introducing Clothing. Improving Early Language programs listserv (, 3 Mar 2009).

I seize this opportunity to teach adjective agreement since the kids are interested in describing their clothes in terms of color or size.

A favorite project of mine is to have the students design an outfit. I then print out digital pictures (that I take at the beginning of the school to use for various projects throughout the year) of themselves. They cut out their heads and attach them to their drawings. I then have them write a paragraph stating what they are wearing. I look over their first draft and have them make corrections and then they type it. To complete the project, the students assemble their typed paragraph and their picture. This makes a nice bulletin board project (anything with kids' pictures gets a lot of attention!) and then something to go into the student's portfolio.

Lutz, N. re:[nandu] Introducing Clothing in Spanish. Improving Early Language Programs listserv (, 2 Mar 2009).

I have doll clothing and dolls I use to teach clothing. I also use ASL signs with many clothing items. In the beginning I describe the dolls and say in the TL she is wearing a dress and the students answer yes or no in the TL. Next, I move on to either/or questions; is she wearing a hat or socks? Then the students describe the dolls. I also have lots of little dolls (from Happy Meals and such) and will give each student one; we take turns describing the clothing. Most kids love to hold items and talk about them. You could also do this with pictures.
I also cut out pictures of people wearing different types of clothing. I made sets of similar clothing (but not the same pictures) and gave them to small groups of students. Then I ask each group to find certain clothing, usually in groups of three or four items. For example: find slippers, a tie, a belt and pajamas. Students may not turn over the cards and the pictures must stay face down until I say so. I just used several catalogues and Sunday newspaper inserts to get sets of pictures.

Okraski, C. Re: [nandu] Introducing Clothing in Spanish. Improving Early Language Programs listserv (, 1 Mar 2009).

Read more ideas for teaching and practicing clothing in next week's InterCom!
Inputdate2009-03-15 10:28:16
Lastmodifieddate2009-03-15 10:28:16
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Publishdate2009-03-16 00:00:00
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