View Content #9092

Content Type1
TitleUS-Russia Joint Teacher Conference: Teacher to Teacher Program
American Councils is now accepting applications for US secondary school teachers to collaborate with their Russian counterparts at a US-Russia Joint Teacher Conference held at a domestic university and on an approximately two-week visit to Russia. Travel and program expenses in this Teachers to Teachers (LTMS) program are supported by American Councils through its grant with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State. Applications, due March 13, 2009, can be downloaded from the American Councils website at . Candidates should direct questions to Ben Dunbar or 202-833-7522.

Teachers to Teachers is an integrated and inclusive program that provides participants with national recognition, professional development, field experience in international classrooms, and access to program-specific grant opportunities to support classroom projects and school partnerships. By using American teachers as educational ambassadors, Teachers to Teachers encourages innovative teaching methods, civics education, American Studies programs and cultural understanding for students and teachers throughout Russia. In return, American teachers learn about both alternative educational systems and foreign teaching methods, gain a unique perspective of Russian schools and communities, and participate in powerful cultural exchange.

For more information, go to .
SourceAmerican Councils
Inputdate2009-03-01 08:12:38
Lastmodifieddate2009-03-01 08:12:38
Expdate2009-03-13 00:00:00
Publishdate2009-03-02 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set