View Content #9067

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TitleNew Yahoo Group: Classics in Middle and Elementary - Plus a T-Shirt Contest
The ETC (Excellence Through Classics) committee of the ACL has created a new Yahoo group to focus discussion and ideas on teaching middle school and elementary school students. The ETC: Classics in Middle and Elementary group is dedicated to exploring methodologies, activities, and theories that can be applied to Classics-related courses at the middle school and elementary levels.

Topics will include articulation of Latin and Greek through the grades, activities for mythology, culture, and language acquisition, language and general teaching methodologies, Classics promotion, and general teaching support for and from peers. The goal of this group is open sharing of ideas and thoughts related to teaching the Classics in the lower grades.

If you are interested in joining ETC: Classics in Middle and Elementary, please use the following address:

Excellence Through Classics for Elementary/Middle Levels (ETC), a standing committee of the American Classical League (ACL) is excited to announce its THIRD Annual t-shirt design contest.

This is your opportunity to showcase a students artistic and/or photographic abilities while also garnering some momentum for your existing program. The student(s) of the winning design will receive a FREE t-shirt showcasing their illustration, a featured article in ETCs Spring newsletter of PRIMA, a 1 GB Apple iPod Shuffle, and finally bragging rights for an entire year!

In addition, sponsoring teachers will receive a free $25 gift certificate to the ACLs Teaching Resource and Materials Center (TMRC).

Contest announcement, rules and further instructions are also posted on the ETC website: .
Inputdate2009-02-22 05:43:17
Lastmodifieddate2009-02-22 05:43:17
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2009-02-23 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set