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TitleArticle: English Language Learners Make Fluency Progress in Massachusetts

MCAS, fluency pressures build
Lawrence students make notable gains in test scores
By Kate Augusto
January 25, 2009

Most of the students who are learning to speak English with teacher Mary DeSimone in Lawrence are motivated to be successful, with many of their parents working two jobs to open opportunities for them. But when it comes to MCAS, the pressure is high: It takes five to seven years on average to become fluent in a language, and eighth-graders have three years to pass 10th-grade MCAS exams in English to get a diploma, DeSimone said.

But this year the students were excited, as they made notable gains in state MCAS scores.

Sharman Sullivan, the principal of the Edward F. Parthum School, credits the success in part to Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol, a program that began in Lawrence three years ago where English is taught during other academic classes, and teachers use strategies to make content accessible to English language learners.

Read the entire article at .
SourceBoston Globe
Inputdate2009-02-08 12:53:27
Lastmodifieddate2009-02-08 12:53:27
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Publishdate2009-02-09 00:00:00
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