View Content #896

Content Type1
TitleClosing the Achievement Gap Conference
From: "CHOY Andrew H"

Superintendent's Update #3
December 1, 2003


2. ODE Closing the Achievement Gap Conference
Ralph Wisner, Intern

SAVE THE DATE! On Saturday, February 28, 2004, Superintendent Susan
Castillo and the Oregon Department of Education will be hosting its first Closing the Achievement Gap Conference at Portland State University. This one-day conference will highlight methods, techniques, and practices that are currently being used by Oregon's educators to close the achievement gap by increasing the achievement of all students. Conference workshops will focus on presenting useful ideas and techniques while also describing successful programs being used to close the gap in Oregon.

The conference will focus around five main strands:

1) Instruction:
Effective in-class instruction techniques that have
successfully educated students from culturally diverse backgrounds will be examined and shared.

2) Parent and Community Involvement:
This strand focuses on successful programs that have
increased parental involvement as well as community involvement with schools in culturally diverse locales around Oregon. Successful practices effectively involving parents and communities in student achievement will be identified and examined.

3) Curriculum:
This strand focuses on curriculum that has incorporated both alternative methods of study with standardized academic content, which has led to increased student achievement from students of different cultural backgrounds.

4) Training and Staff Development:
This strand focuses on specialized training that has made
the staff and faculty of either a school or school district proficient in positively interacting with students of various cultural backgrounds.

5) Leadership and Accountability:
This strand focuses on examples of system-wide leadership
policies, strategies, and initiatives that are focused on tracking and
monitoring progress in student achievement across all demographics. This strand also includes policies that build a highly qualified teaching force in schools with the largest concentrations of underrepresented and minority students and also attracting the most qualified teachers to the lowest performing schools.

It is important to realize that ideas alone will not accomplish the goal of closing the achievement gap. This conference will address this realization in two very precise ways. First, the presenters of this conference will all be local educators, people that face the same educational reality that we all face each day in Oregon's schools. These presenters will not only present their programs and ideas, but also ways in which these programs and ideas can be replicated in all of Oregon's classrooms. Secondly, this
conference features a strand dedicated to creating two-way dialogue between participants and ODE. This strand will allow all participants to hear about current ODE plans/projects aimed at closing the achievement gap while allowing ODE a chance to hear feedback on these projects before they are implemented. This strand will be a valuable tool to the Superintendent as she works to put forth the most effective and efficient plan possible for closing the achievement gap in Oregon.

More information about registration for both attendees and presenters will follow at a later date. In the meantime, if you have any questions about this conference, please contact
for more information.
Inputdate2003-12-01 15:20:00
Lastmodifieddate2003-12-01 15:20:00
Expdate2004-02-28 00:00:00
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