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TitleCall for Papers: IALLT’s Language Center Design Kit
IALLT is actively soliciting proposals for the 5th edition of the Language Center Design Kit (LCDK). This volume will consist of a series of chapters that pertain to current best practices of language center design and redesign. The 5th LCDK will also include the Digital Language Lab Solutions in one chapter. This fully peer-reviewed edition will be published electronically, so contributors are encouraged to include multimedia materials, such as videos, sounds, images, and hyperlinks.

Possible chapter topics could include the following:
- Why build/keep a language center?
- From Lab to Center
- Planning the Physical Space
- Are Turn-key Labs a Thing of the Past?
- Special Cases: Language Centers in Colleges and K-12 schools
- Language Software
- Digital Lab Solutions

Proposals should include the following information:
1. Title
2. Abstract (50-150 words) of the proposed chapter
3. Brief biographical information

You may submit more than one proposal.

Submission deadline is January 30, 2009. Please send submissions or any questions regarding this call to:

The editor is willing to work with authors to help them develop their ideas for proposals.

Kronenberg, F. #9026 Call for submissions - Language Center Design Kit, 5th edition. Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum (LLTI@LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU, 19 Dec 2008).

Inputdate2008-12-21 10:08:33
Lastmodifieddate2008-12-21 10:08:33
Expdate2009-01-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-12-22 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set