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TitleNew York Classical Club President’s Fund

The New York Classical Club announces a new award program, The President's Grant, for those members of the Club who are interested in promoting Latin, ancient Greek, and classical Mediterranean civilizations in general. Grants will be given for a wide variety of purposes, as long as the applicant demonstrates that the money will be used to promote the field of Greek and Roman Classics. The Club envisions applications for professional development, purchases of classroom materials, promotion of class trips, or any other activity associated with classes in Greek and Roman languages and civilizations. Also welcome are applications for developing Classics clubs, travel to conferences, or staging of an ancient play for a wider audience. These activities are simply suggestions. All proposals are welcome. Grants of varying sizes will be considered.

Applicants must be members of The New York Classical Club at the time of applying and for the 12 months during the funded period. Applications will be reviewed by a committee on a rolling basis while funds last.

Learn more about these grants and how to apply for them at .

Inputdate2008-12-03 10:06:12
Lastmodifieddate2008-12-03 10:06:12
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-12-08 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set