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TitlePublic event: "My Story with Yiddish," National Museum of Languages
Sunday January 25, 2 – 4 pm:
Discourses in Dying Languages: My Story With Yiddish

Miriam Isaacs, Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies, University of Maryland

What is the place of Yiddish in the context of a globalizing world? The role of Yiddish is discussed, in part as a heritage language and also its present uses by Jewish and non-Jewish speech communities around the world are considered, including Hasidim in Israel and America and Christian Germans and Poles.

All events at the National Museum of Language are open to the public. Admission is free. Reservations are needed because of limited seating.

For reservations, please call (301) 864-7071 or e-mail .

Time is allowed for discussion with the speakers after each presentation. Light refreshments will be served. Ample free parking is available.

Directions can be found at .
The National Museum of Language is in College Park, MD.

SourceHeritage List
Inputdate2008-11-30 10:43:12
Lastmodifieddate2008-11-30 10:43:12
Expdate2009-01-28 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-12-01 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set