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TitleCall for Papers: 4th Chinese/English as a Second Language Conference

4th Chinese/English as a Second Language Conference
Date: 16-May-2009 - 17-May-2009
Location: Taoyuan County, Taiwan

We are inviting abstracts for 20 minute presentations (15 minutes plus 5 minute Q & A). Below are some suggested categories for topics, though submissions need not be limited to these. To maintain the C/ESL 2009 conference focus, however, the scope of topics is limited to Chinese or English as a Second Language (CSL or ESL) and to the language skills of reading and/or writing. Authors of the papers presented at C/ESL 2009 will be asked to submit a full paper after the conference for publication in a volume to be published by National Central University Press.

Suggested Topic Areas:
- Reading or writing instruction in the university curriculum
- Reading or writing for academic purposes or ESP/CSP
- Genre literacy
- Reading or writing and emerging digital literacies (for example, reading or writing and wikis, blogs, and other web 2.0 technologies)
- Applications of digital technologies to reading or writing instruction
- Instruction for lifelong L2 literacy
- Reading or writing assessment
- Integrating reading and writing
- Extensive second language reading
- Reading and/or writing across the curriculum
- Integrating reading and/or writing in domain instruction
- Materials and curriculum design or evaluation
- Education policy and reading/writing instruction
- Learning style and reading/writing instruction
- Influences of L1 literacy on L2 reading or writing
- Individualizing reading and/or writing instruction
- Contextualizing instruction
- Task-based reading and/or writing instruction
- Collaborative learning in reading/writing classrooms
- Ethnographic or classroom research on reading/writing practices

Learn more at .

Inputdate2008-11-16 08:04:37
Lastmodifieddate2008-11-16 08:04:37
Expdate2009-05-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-11-17 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set