View Content #8498

Content Type1
TitlePrimary Modern Foreign Language Resources Yahoo Group Available
Some MFLResources users have set up a yahoo group which can 'host' uploaded resources for those people who do not have access to or the time to manage their own website or blog.

Feel free to take a look and to use it as a 'repository' for anything you'd like to share that is specifically 'primary languages'. You don't have to sign up to emails .. you can just join the group 'online' and check on a regular basis / follow links made in existing fora to see if files have been added if you prefer. Or you can sign up to emails and add attachments to your mails. They've set the site up to require a 'comment' on the reason for joining as a way of trying to avoid undesirables. The comment can be really short e.g. 'I am a French teacher'!

Here's a link to the yahoo area:

And here's a link to the page where the resources could eventually be stored:

Myers, H. [mflresources] Primary mflresources Yahoo group available. MFLResources listserv (, 22 Oct 2008).

SourceMFL Resources
Inputdate2008-10-26 10:10:21
Lastmodifieddate2008-10-26 10:10:21
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-10-27 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set