View Content #8450

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TitleArticle about Elementary Education: A Cure for Monolingualism

A Cure for Monolingualism
Elementary-level foreign language instruction helps create global citizens.
By Myriam Met
October 2008

Although globalization may be evolving as a major impetus in the United States at the moment, there are compelling reasons for foreign language study beyond the world marketplace and political arena. An increasingly diverse society within the United States requires all students to know how to communicate across the permeable linguistic and cultural borders of our communities. But even if students never have a cross-linguistic, cross-cultural encounter, there are cognitive and academic benefits to language study. Research studies have noted the cognitive correlations of early bilingualism; studies of early foreign language learning have shown that students may outperform comparison groups on measures of reading and math.

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SourceDistrict Administration
Inputdate2008-10-16 02:55:35
Lastmodifieddate2008-10-16 02:55:35
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-10-20 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set