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Content Type1
TitleBook: ELT Profession

ELT Profession: Challenges and Prospects
Edited by Naciye Kunt, Javanshir Shibliyev, and Fatos Erozan
Publisher: Lincom GmbH

Summary: This is a collection of selected papers contributed to The 2nd International ELT Conference held in North Cyprus in 2006, which placed special emphasis on challenges and prospects in ELT profession. Part 1 includes papers presented by the plenary speakers like Cem Alptekin who focused on topical structure analysis of compositions, Deniz Kurtoglu Eken with her paper devoted to teacher training and A. Suresh Canagarajah with his paper about changing pedagogical priorities.

Part 2, which consists of the selected papers, addresses various issues that challenge the foreign language teaching community: Teachers (challenges for initial teacher training programmes, the perspectives of various groups in in-service teacher education program, pre-service teachers' beliefs about EFL materials, uncertainties and challenges of EFL teachers, pre-service teachers' reflections of journal writing and language teacher competency), Learners (their learning style preferences, andragogical and pedagogical orientations, needs, and beliefs), European Language Portfolio (its potential benefits, implementations, implications and limitations, and promoting process and context awareness), and Language, culture and classroom pedagogy.

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Inputdate2008-10-16 02:40:48
Lastmodifieddate2008-10-16 02:40:48
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-10-20 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set