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TitleThe World of Language Testing on the Web

Since 1995 this online collection of resources has been updated regularly at 2 - 4 monthly intervals. Its purpose is to act as a reference guide to language testing related resources on the Internet. At this site you will find all the links which have been collected to date, and each one is reviewed in the Language Tester's Guide to Cyberspace. Instead of randomly visiting sites, you can select those which are most likely to provide the information you are looking for.

There is also the Language Testing Database button, which leads to a searchable index of articles published in the journal Language Testing. The Conference News page was added in 1996, and the Articles and Reviews section in 1997. In 1999 the Video FAQs was also added under the ILTA pages, following a project to provide introductory information on this discipline free of charge on the web. Although the videos are copyright to ILTA anyone may link to them.

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SourceResources in Language Testing Page
Inputdate2008-10-05 02:22:10
Lastmodifieddate2008-10-05 02:22:10
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-10-06 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set