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TitleNew Resource Provides Easier Access to Foreign Languages for People who are Blind
DATE August 29, 2008

CONTACT: Michele Scheib, Project Specialist
TEL/TTY: 541-343-1284
FAX: 541-343-6812

New Resource Provides Easier Access to Foreign Languages for People who are Blind

When Mr. Avraham Rabby was selected as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer, he was the first blind person to serve. At the time, he spoke English and Hebrew, and during his career, he learned Spanish and French. Through the Foreign Service, Mr. Rabby experienced the world, completing seven jobs on five continents and witnessing historic events.

For people who are blind or low vision, learning a foreign language and getting the resources needed just became easier. The National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange (NCDE) encourages people who are blind or have visual impairments to learn a foreign language and pursue international travel with a purpose®. Towards this goal, the NCDE published a new informational guide to support blind and low vision students to take a broad range of foreign language courses, from Arabic to Turkish, by providing the tools needed so that course materials can be accessed. Read “Accessing Foreign Language Materials as a Blind or Low Vision Student” online or download in various formats for free at: .

This free resource includes:
ο The capability of commonly used assistive technology and software to handle foreign languages
ο Guidance for locating audio, braille or large print materials in foreign languages
ο Tips on transcribing braille textbooks in foreign languages or using readers and scribes
ο Considerations for studying the foreign language abroad.

Primary emphasis of this new informational guide is on accessing the reading and writing components of critical need languages, although information is also applicable to more commonly taught languages.

The National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange (NCDE), which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Mobility International USA, works to increase the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in international exchange programs. Contact us at: 541-343-1284 (tel/tty),, .

Inputdate2008-09-14 05:23:13
Lastmodifieddate2008-09-14 05:23:13
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Publishdate2008-09-15 00:00:00
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