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TitleFrench Teaching with Technology Idea of the Month: Project Hand-outs on Whiteboard

Idea of the Month: Save the Planet: Project Hand-outs on Whiteboard. (by D. Trudeau)
If you dislike whiteboards but love the planet, here is one advantage of whiteboards over traditional blackboards: they can be turned into write-on projection screens. If you use transparencies, project them on the whiteboard and do your exercises normally, with the additional possibility of writing on the whiteboard. All types of exercises usually done on paper or using transparencies can be done this way: grammar and vocabulary, composition, pronunciation, cultural facts; fill in the blanks, mix and match, short answers, etc. If your classroom is equipped with a computer projector, take one step beyond to save the planet: project directly from the computer onto the whiteboard. This will save you the work of having to print out transparencies and the tedious task of putting them away after class. Another great advantage of computer projection on whiteboard is that texts and pictures can be easily edited or updated as needed, without wasting paper.

To teach the elision of mute “e”, I use “Le Poinçonneur des Lilas” by S. Gainsbourg. I project a version of the song without elisions on the whiteboard, and I play the song at the same time. The students have to find where there are elisions and when the composer purposely avoided them. We do the first two lines altogether, then each student comes to the whiteboard to do one line. We then discuss the rules that have been applied, and other phonetic changes (i.e. consonant assimilation) related to the elision of mute “e.”

Read other Ideas of the Month at .

SourceAATF Telematics and New Technologies Commission
Inputdate2008-09-14 05:15:38
Lastmodifieddate2008-09-14 05:15:38
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-09-15 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set