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TitleInvitation to the September 19 Interagency Language Roundtable Meeting at FSI
The September meeting of the federal Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) will take place on Friday, September 19, 2008, at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) at the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center (the "Shultz Center").

The plenary at this meeting will be a presentation on the Summit on Oral Proficiency Testing at ILR Levels 3, 4, & 5. A summit dealing with oral proficiency testing at the higher ILR levels was held in June of this year in Monterey, California. The September plenary presenters will report on the background and rationale for the Summit, results of the discussions, and several proposed future initiatives. The plenary program will also include reports from each of the ILR Committee Chairs.

The three committee meetings will take place from 8:45 to 10:00, followed by the traditional networking. The plenary will begin at 10:30 a.m. in room C-3114. All committee meetings and the plenary are open to any interested person. The plenary will conclude by approximately 12:00. For interested Government members of the ILR, the Special Interest Group for CASL will meet from 1:00 to about 2:15.

Parking at the Shultz Center is available for one dollar. When you arrive, come to the Visitor's Center at the entrance to the FSI campus and show a picture ID.

If you will be attending this ILR session, please pre-register by E-mailing your name and organization to the following address: . (We suggest that you copy this address and paste it into the "Send" box in your email program.) Please send your registration by no later than noon on Wednesday, September 17. Please also note the FSI cannot provide you with an e-mail confirmation that your pre-registration has been received.

McGinnis, S. Invitation to the September 19 ILR Meeting at FSI. ILR-INFO Discussion Group (ILR-INFO@FSILIST.FSI.STATE.GOV, 8 Sept 2008).

SourceILR-INFO Discussion Group
Inputdate2008-09-14 04:48:21
Lastmodifieddate2008-09-14 04:48:21
Expdate2008-09-19 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-09-15 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set