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TitleCall for CALICO Book Proposals
CALICO publishes an annual volume in its book series on topics of current interest to the field of CALL. Recent volumes:
2006- Calling on CALL: From theory and research to new directions in foreign language teaching, eds. Lara Ducate and Nike Arnold.
2007- Preparing and Developing Technology-proficient L2 Teachers, eds. Margaret Ann Kassen, Roberta Lavine, Kathryn Murphy-Judy, and Martine Peters
2008- Opening Doors through Distance Language Education: Principles, Perspectives, and Practices, eds. Senta Goertler and Paula Winke

2009 volume will be on CALL and Web 2.0, eds. Lara Anderson and Gillian Lord.

CALICO is now soliciting proposals for the next volume in its series to be published in spring 2010. The volume may be a single-authored monograph or edited volume and may treat any topic related to the field of CALL.

Proposals should include the following information:
1. name of the author(s)/editor(s);
2. tentative title;
3. description of how the book will contribute to the discipline;
4. outline of the scope and sequence of the book, including the number of chapters, their titles, and a brief synopsis of each; and
5. if an edited volume, description of the procedures for soliciting and refereeing manuscripts for the chapters.

Proposals should be submitted as a Word document attached to an email message sent to by no later January 31, 2009. Final decisions will be made by the end of February 2009.

Horn, E. Call for CALICO Book Proposals. CALICO Discussion List (CALICO-L@mail.MODLANG.TXSTATE.EDU, 4 Sept 2008).

SourceCALICO Discussion List
Inputdate2008-09-14 04:22:12
Lastmodifieddate2008-09-14 04:22:12
Expdate2009-01-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-09-15 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set