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TitleSAGE/ILTA Award for Best Book on Language Testing
Sage, the Publisher of the Language Testing journal, in conjunction with the International Language Testing Association (ILTA), is sponsoring a triennial award for the best book in the area of language testing/assessment. An interview with the awardee will be published in the LT journal together with a commissioned book review which offers a critical appreciation of the book’s contribution to the field. The award, which will consist of a plaque and US$600 dollars, will be made at the Language Testing Research Colloquium.

Books nominated for the award may be monographs or edited volumes (this does not include special issues of a journal) and must have been published within the three years immediately preceding the nomination deadline (see under Procedures and timelines below). Thus, to qualify for the 2008 award, the book must have been published between August 2005 and August 2008.

Authors must not have received an award from another source for the same material.

Selection criteria
The winning volume will be selected on the basis of the following criteria
• awareness of fundamental issues in the field
• development of our knowledge and understanding
• quality of argumentation
• originality and/or distinctive treatment of the topic
• general presentation and scholarship
• likely impact

Selection committee
There will be five judges of the award, drawn from the Editorial Board of Language Testing and the Executive Board of ILTA. The judges will be responsible for a) shortlisting from a list of nominated books, b) selecting the award winning title and c) commissioning the interviewer and reviewer of the volume.

Procedures and timelines
Nominations for the first Sage/ILTA Award should be submitted to one of two Language Testing editors by September 30, 2008, and should include a citation indicating how the nominated volume meets the selection criteria. The citation should not exceed 300 words. Nominations should be submitted by e-mail. There is no restriction upon who may nominate a book.

For a copy of this call and contact details visit the new ILTA web page ( ).
SourceLanguage Testing Research Centre
Inputdate2008-09-07 09:07:53
Lastmodifieddate2008-09-07 09:07:53
Expdate2008-09-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-09-08 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set