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TitleArticle: Testing Change Raises Scores of ELL Students

Testing Change Raises Scores: Va. Assesses Those Learning English On Class Work
By Michael Alison Chandler and Maria Glod
August 28, 2008

A switch in testing for students who are learning English fueled a rebound in scores this year for immigrant-rich schools in Northern Virginia that had failed the year before to meet targets set under the federal No Child Left Behind law.

Scores dipped last year when the federal government for the first time required Virginia school systems to give English learners the same reading tests as classmates who speak English fluently, a mandate that local educators vehemently opposed as unfair.

This year, federal officials allowed the state to assess thousands of English-learning students through portfolios of their work over the school year instead of through the state reading test. The results announced yesterday marked another turn in the national debate over the best way to test millions of students who are new to English.

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SourceWashington Post
Inputdate2008-08-31 10:09:04
Lastmodifieddate2008-08-31 10:09:04
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Publishdate2008-09-01 00:00:00
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