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TitleIdeas for Individual Whiteboards
Many teachers buy large sheets of showerboard or other similar materials that can be cut into individual-sized whiteboards that can be used with a dry erase marker for whole-class activities. Here are some suggestions from Latinteach contributors for their in-class use:

1) Draw a picture of a sentence or paragraph just read.
2) Vocabulary pictures involving the first letter of the Latin word incorporated into the picture. Other students guess which word.
3) Board work. Students write their response, show to me, I OK and they move on. Students work at their own pace.
4) Anything where you want students to work at their own pace, but still have their work checked.

Cooper, G. Re: [Latinteach] Imaginative Uses for Individual White Boards? The Teaching of the Latin Language listserv (, 13 Aug 2008).

I will sometimes reveal a sentence one word at a time and have the students add each word to their metaphrase and hold up their board as soon as they are ready. So, they start with "Subject Verbs Object" (or just S V O) on their white board. If the first word is "bonos", they write "Subject Verbs good Objects" Then we add the second word. I don't do it too long or too often because it is slow and laborious, but it models the mental processes they should go through, much more quickly, in their head as they read. It gives me a good, quick view into their particular thought processes.

McCaffrey, D. Re: [Latinteach] Imaginative Uses for Individual White Boards? The Teaching of the Latin Language listserv (, 13 Aug 2008).

Inputdate2008-08-31 10:01:40
Lastmodifieddate2008-08-31 10:01:40
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Publishdate2008-09-01 00:00:00
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