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TitleDefense to Test Run Foreign Language Corps

Defense to test run foreign language corps
By Brittany Ballenstedt
August 19, 2008

If you're a U.S. citizen who speaks fluent Marshallese, the Defense Department wants you.

Robert Slater, director of the National Security Language Program at Defense, said last week that the department plans to launch a major recruiting drive this fall for volunteers fluent in certain foreign languages to serve the country in times of emergency or global need as part of the National Language Service Corps.

Earlier this year, Defense announced its plans to recruit at least 1,000 people to the corps by 2010. Congress gave the department the authority to start a pilot project to create the corps in the fiscal 2007 Defense authorization act. The project ends in 2010.

The Pentagon is seeking individuals fluent in 10 languages: Chinese-Mandarin, Hausa (a language spoken in regions of West Africa), Hindi, Indonesian, Marshallese (a Malayo-Polynesian language of the Marshall Islands), Russian, Somali, Swahili, Thai and Vietnamese.

Read the entire article at .

The National Language Service Corps website is available at .

SourceGovernment Executive
Inputdate2008-08-24 08:03:51
Lastmodifieddate2008-08-24 08:03:51
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Publishdate2008-08-25 00:00:00
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