View Content #818

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TitleRethinking Schools global justice tour to Mexico/US border

This February 13-16th Rethinking Schools and Global Exchange are
co-sponsoring an educators tour to the U.S.-Mexico border. The tour will be led by Xiomara Castro of Global Exchange, and Bob Peterson and me from Rethinking Schools.

We plan this as the first in a series of Rethinking Globalization tours --
traveling seminars offering teachers direct exposure to the effects of
globalization on the lives of people around the world. An important
component of the tours will be to generate curriculum ideas that can be shared with other educators through the pages of Rethinking Schools and through the Rethinking Schools website.

The border justice reality tour will begin in San Diego on the morning of the 13th of Feb. (a Friday) and travel into Tijuana, where participants will meet with Mexican labor and community activists, women's organization leaders, and recent migrants from southern Mexico. We'll tour a maquiladora (foreign-owned factory), neighborhoods impacted by maquiladoras, and a democratically
organized ejido (cooperative) community, and learn about the militarization of the border zone between Mexico and the United States -- from human rights organizers as well as from the US Border Patrol.

The tour is open to all K-12 teachers, students in teacher education
programs, and teacher educators who work directly with teachers or prospective teachers. Space is limited. The cost is $650 from San Diego, and includes translation, double-occupancy accomodations in Tijuana, all ground transportation, two meals a day, all program activities, and background readings.

It would be wonderful to have a number of Portland-area participants along on the trip. For more information, contact me at You can also contact Xiomara Castro at, or 800-497-1994, ext. 232.

Bill Bigelow

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justice in K-12 classrooms.

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SourceRethinking Schools
Inputdate2003-11-11 18:11:00
Lastmodifieddate2003-11-11 18:11:00
Expdate2004-02-15 00:00:00
PublishdateNot set
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