View Content #8151

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TitleLanguage Activity Idea: Broken Telephone

Here is a game idea from the Teaching English website of the BBC:

This is a little game to help students with their listening practice and it develops pronunciation awareness. The name of this game is 'broken telephone'.

* First the class is divided into a few groups, with about 10 in each group. I hand one person in the group a sentence, which he or she must then memorise and pass on to the next person, by whispering.

* The next person will pass the sentence down the line to the next and so on until it finally gets to the last person in the group. That person in the group will then have to stand up and say what the sentence is.

Teachers can construct sentences with words that may sound similar to others, like working (walking), lazy (lady), grass (glass) and so on. It's really funny hearing the sentence at the end because it is often a mad distortion of the original. The students often have a good time laughing at how ludicrous it all became in the end, and more importantly, realise the value of proper pronunciation.

SourceBritish Council
Inputdate2008-08-09 07:24:37
Lastmodifieddate2008-08-09 07:24:37
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-08-11 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set