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TitleSAGE/ILTA Award for Best Book on Language Testing
Sage, the Publisher of the Language Testing journal, in conjunction with the International Language Testing Association (ILTA), is sponsoring a triennial award for the best book in the area of language testing/assessment. An interview with the awardee will be published in the journal together with a commissioned book review which offers a critical appreciation of the book’s contribution to the field. The award, which will consist of a plaque and US$600 dollars, will be made at the Language Testing Research Colloquium.

Selection criteria:
The winning volume will be selected on the basis of the following criteria
• awareness of fundamental issues in the field
• development of our knowledge and understanding
• quality of argumentation
• originality and/or distinctive treatment of the topic
• general presentation and scholarship
• likely impact

Procedures and timelines
Nominations for the first Sage/ILTA Award should be submitted to one of two Language Testing editors by September 30, 2008, and should include a citation indicating how the nominated volume meets the selection criteria. The citation should not exceed 300 words. Nominations should be submitted by e-mail. There is no restriction upon who may nominate a book.

For further information visit the Language Testing web site: and the ILTA web site:
Inputdate2008-08-09 07:05:52
Lastmodifieddate2008-08-09 07:05:52
Expdate2008-09-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-08-11 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set