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TitleArticle: How Does Language Exist In The Brain?

How Does Language Exist In The Brain?
June 30, 2008

The “La Mente Bilingüe” research team that doctor Itziar Laka leads in the Faculty of Arts at the University of the Basque Country analyses bilingual processing of language. The aim is to find out how the brain acquires and manages languages and to discover in what way languages being similar or different is influential in this process.

Despite much research on acquisition of languages amongst monolingual persons, scientists still have to ask themselves basic questions about bilingual acquisition: How do babies realise that they are in a bilingual environment? What are the clues for them in discovering this? How is discrimination between languages produced in infants? “We have just begun research in this line and working with children requires taking it slowly, the prior preparation period being very long”, explained Ms Laka.

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SourceScience Daily
Inputdate2008-07-19 03:04:01
Lastmodifieddate2008-07-19 03:04:01
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-07-21 00:00:00
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