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TitleArticle: Kindergartners Urged to Learn Key Languages

Kindergartners Urged to Learn Key Languages
By The Associated Press
July 9, 2008

The first-graders in Grace Yuan's class are playing "Jeopardy," eagerly responding to clues about animals and their habitats, diet and movements. Sound routine for a group of 7-year-olds? Well, look again. These clues are in Chinese.

The class is a result of the National Security Language Initiative, introduced by President Bush in 2006 to teach the youngest students Chinese and other foreign languages considered critical to the nation's future security.

The federal program is based on the premise that you can engage foreign governments and their citizens more effectively when you speak their language. The emphasis is on "critical needs" languages, including Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Hindi and Farsi.

The Education Department, one of four federal agencies involved in the program, has awarded 88 grants totaling about $26 million to communities around the country to expand instruction in these languages beginning in kindergarten.

Read the entire article at .

SourceEducation Week
Inputdate2008-07-13 10:22:16
Lastmodifieddate2008-07-13 10:22:16
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Publishdate2008-07-14 00:00:00
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