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TitleArticle: Italian American Groups Speak Up to Save AP Language Test

Italian American Groups Speak Up to Save AP Language Test
By Daniel de Vise
July 3, 2008

The prospect that AP Italian might be eliminated has set off a reaction that might seem surprising, considering that 2,000 students took the Italian AP exam this year. Prominent Italian American groups and Matilda Cuomo, wife of former New York governor Mario Cuomo, have mobilized to save the course. Italian Ambassador Giovanni Castellaneta has also weighed in with the nonprofit organization that oversees the AP program.

The episode illustrates the sway of the AP program, which measures high school students against the standards of college. The program has emerged alongside International Baccalaureate and Cambridge as the top tier for college-bound juniors and seniors. Good scores on end-of-course exams can yield credit and advanced standing in college.

Leaders of the College Board decided in late March to eliminate four of the program's 37 courses, including AP Italian, saying the four were under-enrolled and losing money. The last tests for French literature, Latin literature and computer science are scheduled for May. The AP Italian course might be saved if sufficient funds could be raised, said officials with the College Board, which is based in New York.

Read the entire article at .

SourceWashington Post
Inputdate2008-07-07 12:17:53
Lastmodifieddate2008-07-07 12:17:53
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Publishdate2008-07-07 00:00:00
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