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TitlePhoto Scavenger Hunt: Fun End-of-Year Activity
Two AATG listserv users suggest the following photo scavenger hunt activity:

Inspired by my seniors' antsiness and general decline in motivation, along with the perennial "can we go outside" question, my French colleague and I devised a photo scavenger hunt. The kids will be directed to bring their digital cameras to school. The students only get ONE camera per group and therefore have to stay together. We give them special "scavenger hunt" hall passes so the student supervisors understand why the entire pack has escaped en masse.

Naturally, this list would be auf Deutsch.

a student wearing a school t-shirt or sweatshirt
a photo of the group with a teacher
someone sleeping in study hall
a book with a blue cover
a picture of an animal (real or cartoon)
a food wrapper
a student (not in our class) on the internet
a phy ed class
a musical instrument being played by someone not in our class
a secretary out of her office
a student at the chalk board
a letter or a number all by itself
someone in the hall WITH a hall pass
someone washing his/her hands
someone signing in at the front desk
two principals together

Havas, L. [AATG-L] Fun End-Of-Year Activity. American Association of Teachers of German listserv (AATG@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU, 19 May 2008).

I just did a Foto-Schnitzeljagd last week with my German 3s. It was a 3-day project that turned out really well.

I had six teams of 3 students each. I assigned who was on what team, splitting up friends to avoid the third student being "left out." I got 5 digital cameras from our media center and 1 from our newspaper advisor, so each team of 3 had a camera.

I gave out a list in German of 15 items to photograph - each student on the team was to take 5 pictures and be in 10, i.e., if you weren't taking the picture, you were in it.

My rule was, however, that no teacher actually teaching a class could be disturbed. I checked with our librarian ahead of time to make sure it was okay for students to come into the library and take pictures. Some of the items could have been done outside, but it was an incredibly windy day here so I told students to use the floor outside our room or by the cafeteria instead.

The 16th item was that I would take a photo of the group.

We went to the computer lab to download the pictures and print them out in color. I required a 4" x 6" format.

We came back to class and cut out all the photos. Each team then had to select 10 photos to put on a display outside our room and write a speech bubble in German to go with it.

I have a long cork strip on the wall outside my room. I stapled up a long piece of banner paper, divided it into 6 sections with strips of white paper and labeled each section Team Eins, Team Zwei, etc. I took one group photo from each group which I put in their section on the display outside our room.

We finished the speech bubbles and each team then pasted their photos in their allotted area on the display outside our room along with the speech bubbles.

And, if I remember correctly, this idea was first mentioned by Rustin Buck a few years ago and I have modeled my instruction sheet after his and used it successfully ever since. Thank you, Rusty.

Haring, C. [AATG-L] Photo Scavenger Hunt - Fun End-Of-Year Activity. American Association of Teachers of German listserv (AATG@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU, 19 May 2008).
Inputdate2008-06-15 09:55:03
Lastmodifieddate2008-06-15 09:55:03
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Publishdate2008-06-16 00:00:00
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