View Content #7857

Content Type1
TitleWorkshop: Incorporating Communicative Speaking Activities into the Teaching of Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary

Incorporating Communicative Speaking Activities into the Teaching of Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary
Workshop Leader: Dr. Charlene Polio
Workshop Dates: July 24-26, 2008
Workshop Time: Exact times TBA, but approximately 9:00 - 4:00 each day

One concern from teachers and students is that students do not get enough talking time in class. Furthermore, many researchers have argued for the importance of language production in the development of overall language proficiency. This workshop will begin with a framework for developing and evaluating communicative speaking activities. This will then be followed by examples of how to incorporate speaking activities into the teaching of reading and writing. In addition, the participants will observe and develop activities that target specific grammar and vocabulary so that instructors can better supplement their textbooks with communicative speaking tasks. An emphasis will be placed on how to structure activities to get student to talk and to use more advanced language and how to make sure students receive feedback. In the workshop, participants will learn to first evaluate activities by trying them in demonstration lesson. They will then develop similar activities for their specific teaching contexts.

For more information about this and other CLEAR workshops, visit .

Inputdate2008-06-08 11:18:45
Lastmodifieddate2008-06-08 11:18:45
Expdate2008-07-31 00:00:00
Publishdate2008-06-09 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set