View Content #7835

Content Type1
TitleExpert Paper Submitted to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at the United Nations
An expert paper submitted by Lars Anders-Baer, prepared in cooperation with Ole Henrik-Magga, Robert Dunbar and Tove Skutnabb-Kang, to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Seventh session, in New York, 21 April -2 May 2008, is available for download from .

Among the conclusions of the paper:

It is clear that the various forms of subtractive education to which indigenous children have been and continue to be subject results in very serious and often permanent harmful mental and physical consequences. ...[S]such education is now at odds with and in clear violation of a range of human rights standards, and in our view amount to ongoing violations of fundamental rights.


In spite of the narrowing of the Genocide Convention during the process of its negotiation and conclusion, it still makes reference to acts which, we have argued, certainly describe the experience of indigenous children subjected to various forms of subtractive education. In particular, we have argued that such education can result in “serious mental harm”, is often accompanied by “serious bodily harm”, and can involve the forcible transfer of indigenous children to another group.

Download the entire paper from .

SourceILR-INFO Discussion Group
Inputdate2008-06-01 11:08:56
Lastmodifieddate2008-06-01 11:08:56
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-06-02 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set