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TitleBrief: A Cultural, Linguistic, and Ecological Framework for Response to Intervention with English Language Learners

A Cultural, Linguistic, and Ecological Framework for Response to Intervention with English Language Learners
By Julie Esparza Brown and Jennifer Doolittle
National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
March 2008

Summary: Response to Intervention (RTI) has the potential to affect change for English language learners (ELLs) by requiring the use of research-based practices based on individual children's specific needs. All ELLs, however, need culturally and linguistically appropriate instruction no matter the educational setting. In other words, instruction and interventions must consider a student's cultural background and experiences as well as their linguistic proficiency (in both English and the native language) in order for instruction to be appropriate. The focus of this brief is to provide an initial framework in the use of RTI that considers students' life experiences, including their language proficiencies in their first and second languages, as well as the contexts in which they are taught.

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Inputdate2008-05-25 11:33:20
Lastmodifieddate2008-05-25 11:33:20
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Publishdate2008-05-26 00:00:00
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