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TitleBook: Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology

Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology
Edited by Frank Boers and Seth Lindstromberg
Publisher: de Gruyter

Summary: The volume explores and exploits the presence of linguistic 'motivation' - or, systematic non-arbitrariness - in the lexicon. The first half of the volume reports ample empirical evidence of the pedagogical effectiveness of presenting vocabulary to learners as non-arbitrary. The data reported indicate that the proposed instructional methods can benefit when both the nature of the target lexis and the basic cognitive orientations of particular learners are taken into account. The first half of the book mostly targets lexis that has already attracted a fair amount of attention from Cognitive Linguists in the past (e.g. phrasal verbs and figurative idioms). The second half broadens the scope considerably by revealing the non-arbitrariness of diverse other lexical patterns, including collocations and word partnerships generally. This is achieved by recognizing some long-neglected dimensions of linguistic motivation - etymological and phonological motivation, in particular. Concrete suggestions are made for putting the non-arbitrary nature of words and phrases to good use in instructed language learning.

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Sourcede Gruyter
Inputdate2008-05-04 11:03:36
Lastmodifieddate2008-05-04 11:03:36
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2008-05-05 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set