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TitlePodcasts in the Second Language Classroom
What can you do with podcasts in your classroom? Here are some ideas from language teachers and organizations:

An FLTEACH user writes,
I went to visit/observe a different school. They have 20 ipods with mikes -school property- that they carry into a transformed tool box. It is like a portable lab. One example is that you can record the theme of the week online, put it in a special folder that you keep for the class on the school hard drive. Kids listen and record their answers on their ipods. They can tell stories, interview each other... it depends on the assignments. If they are advanced technologically, they can do a powerpoint presentation backed up with music from the ipods.

Obydol-Alexandre, K. Re: ipods. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 25 Oct 2007).

Apple has a website with suggestions for using iPods in the classroom at . One especially useful lesson plan for foreign languages is available for download at .

An article called “iPods and 2nd Language Acquisition” from the 2007 CALICO conference is available for download at ; an overview of the article is available at§ion=8212&action=site .

An MFLResources listserv user suggests reading his article, “Practical Podcasting: From idea to iTunes” from the Isle of Wight Conference 2007, available at .

An FLTEACH user says,
I have my upper-level kids listen to CBC Radio's C'est la Vie: Word of the Week (available at ) as a sort of dictee, and then they have to use that week's word as their Ticket Out of class. They write the phrases given (the show chooses one word and tells all the different uses and meanings it can have) and then we check for understanding, and they choose one to use.

Blaz, D. Re: iPod. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 24 Oct 2007).

Podcasts of French Lessons are available from .

The National Capital Language Resource Center has a new podcast area which currently includes an interview with an Argentinean about her life and clips from the 2007 Global Career Opportunities & Languages forum; the podcast area is available at .

Spanish Professors.Pod has to do with "Podcasting" and "Videocasting". The basic idea is to invite other Spanish faculty members and their students to make an audio recording in Spanish between 2-15 minutes on a topic/subject/theme of their choice, and then share it with other colleagues and students of Spanish all over the world. The website is available at .

Spanish teachers can use Podcuentos del Profe as a source of Spanish input. Each episode contains one story with questions covering grammatical concepts and general comprehension. The website is available at ; there is also a YouTube channel available with videos since September 2007 at .

There are lots of podcasts in Latin, including the following:
-Latinum, an online Latin course, at
-Talking Vulgar is a source of comprehensible Latin input, at
-FSI-based Latin and Ancient Greek content is available from Lingua Latina et Graeca at

An annotated list of oral Latin resources is available at the LatinTeach website at .

Inputdate2007-11-12 12:21:05
Lastmodifieddate2007-11-12 12:21:05
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Publishdate2007-11-12 00:00:00
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