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TitleIdeas for Family Activities
Here are some ideas for introducing and practicing family terms from FLTEACH users:

Teacher models activity first using the overhead. On little cut-up transparencies put the first names of several of your (teacher's) family members and one that says me. Have a couple sharp kids go to the overhead & ask you who the people written on the transparencies are. Who is (name)? You answer: (s)he is my the students arrange the names in the form of a family tree.

After everyone understands, pass out to each student cut-up post-its; make sure there is one part with sticky stuff on it for each little strip of past-it (cut these up in advance). The students write the first names of their family members on the post-its & one saying me. Then in partners, they repeat the activity demonstrated with the overhead. They ask their partner who is (name), partner answers & the asking students put the notes on the desk in the form of a family tree. When done, each student looks over the arrangement to make sure the partner did it correctly.

Howard, S. Family activity. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 18 Sept 2007).

I like a mixer activity - it takes some time to prepare, though.

You figure out families of about 4 in various configurations -- father / mother / daughter / son / grandmother / single father / brother / son

Any configuration you want to set up.

Then prepare a grid of information on each family member : name, age, profession, relation to one other (including their name) is usually enough. Remove one item from each person's information and put the other three on a card. Hand out cards according to gender. Their task is to ask questions of each other, [what's your name, how old are you, what's your profession] and without showing the card (!) find the other three members of the family.

You can complicate it by recycling last names and professions.

When they have done this you can have them present the family to the class. I like to have them stay in these groups and build an extended role-play.

Young, M. Re: Fun activities for “La Familia”. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 18 Sept 2007).

As an enrichment activity for some of my advanced learners, I have them construct a family tree and then they come up with the fill in the blanks El hijo del hermano de Miguel es ___. (The son of the brother of Miguel is ___.) They take great pride in making them hard to decipher to see who can "crack the code" first.

Another option is they will give the other students a blank tree with the clues (again fairly hard to decipher) and the students will fill in the tree with the correct names.

Johnnie. Re: Fun activities for “La Familia”. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 19 Sept 2007).

Inputdate2007-09-30 08:22:08
Lastmodifieddate2007-09-30 08:22:08
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Publishdate2007-10-01 00:00:00
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