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TitleIdeas for Practicing Descriptions
Here are some ideas from FLTEACH users for practicing descriptions:

Describing famous characters is always fun. I start with a description of someone obvious like Santa gordo y simpático, lleva pantalones rojos y una chaqueta roja, tiene botas negras.... (He’s fat and nice, he wears red pants and a red jacket, he has black boots) usually someone will raise their hand and say SANTA, then I'd give groups of three 5 minutes to develop an description of their own (keeping it limited to cartoon characters because they have exaggerated features.

Gibbs, A. Re: Descriptions. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 31 Aug 2007).

At the beginning of class, I gave each student three ruled 3x5 index cards. Then, on one card students had to write a description of someone in the class. On another card students wrote a description of one of the faculty members on campus. On the last card students were to write a description of a famous person. At the end of class I read some of the cards and the students had to guess who the person was.

Hanson, D. Re: Descriptions. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 1 Sept 2007).

Another way to do description is similar to 20 questions. Come up with a list of people-- characters sometimes work best. Write the name on long strip of paper that can be wrapped around someone's head and then clipped with a binder clip so that it stays on. The person wearing the name does not know what it says, but the students in the class can see it.

version 1
Person wearing name asks questions
¿Soy animal? ¿Soy una persona famosa? ¿De ficción? ¿vive? etc. (Am I an animal? Am I a famous person? Fictional? Living?)
¿Tengo pelo largo/corto? etc. (Do I have long/short hair?)

version 2 you can do this as teams
Students give descriptive clues. If student can guess they win points. Example 5 points: For each additional clue, if student correctly guesses, they earn fewer points - 4 points if one more clue, 3 points if two more clues etc.

Achorn, E. Re: Descriptions. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 1 Sept 2007).

I like to have each student write the name of a celebrity (I try to make sure that no one has the same name as another). Then I call up 4 people to sit on a panel in the front of the room. On the side board I write 5 celebrity names (I collect their papers make up one of my own). The audience has to question the panel members and try to guess which celebrity they are. They can only ask YES/NO questions, so we practice a couple ... ¿Eres guapo? ¿Eres rubio? ... (Are you cute? Are you blond?) etc.

Delzer, R. Re: Descriptions. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 3 Sept 2007).

I do an activity where students listen to me describe a person and they have to draw it. Each student has whatever colored pencils you would need. I give a symbol for the adjectives that are harder to draw (glasses for smart, sun rays around the head for pretty, a circle with lines coming out of it for ugly and some are just random symbols like triangle for nice etc.) The first time through they listen to me and draw, I usually have the drawing ready on an overhead so when we are done they can check to see if they heard correctly. The next round they are divided into groups of three and are given some descriptions (or you could have them write these first or give them another picture that needs to be described), one person gives the description and the other two draw (more listening and speaking). After they have all had a turn, then they draw their own picture and trade with someone else and write a description of that.

Case, M. Re: Descriptions. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 6 Sept 2007).

Inputdate2007-09-23 10:33:14
Lastmodifieddate2007-09-23 10:33:14
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Publishdate2007-09-24 00:00:00
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