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TitleActivity for German Verb Prefixes
An AATG listserv user suggests the following project to reinforce verb prefixes in German:

1. Have the students form small groups, with each group choosing a major verb, such as gehen, fahren, bleiben, stehen...
2. They research online or in grammar books for verbs that are related to their main verb (gehen-begehen-mitgehen-ergehen....) Dictionaries are also useful.
3. The group must construct a mobile (think Alexander Calder, folks) that has their main verb at the top of the mobile, and then the related verbs, written on small cards, hanging from it. Below each related verb card the group has to have two more cards. The first card gives the new verb in past tense form and the second card has a short sentence that uses that verb. We strive for sentences that will make the meaning of the related verb obvious, but that does not always work.

Metal clothes hangers work great for the framework of the mobile, with the verb card lines attached with strings. Two hangers in the shape of a plus sign can be used for the groups that have lots of verbs.

On the due day, each group presents their mobile project and then we hang them from the ceiling. One year I had the students write short definitions of the related verbs on the backsides of the verb card. This activity helped my students to see that many of the German verbs are related, and a number of them said it helped them to realize that roots work in German, just like in some other languages.

Philipp, D. [AATG-L] Activity for verb prefixes. American Association of Teachers of German listserv (AATG@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU, 26 Aug 2007).

Inputdate2007-09-16 10:53:56
Lastmodifieddate2007-09-16 10:53:56
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-09-17 00:00:00
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