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TitleIdeas for Practicing Numbers: Part 1
FLTEACH users have suggested a wide range of activities for practicing numbers. Here are some of them:

1) Ball toss--I say a number in one language and whoever catches the ball says it in the other language
2) Concentration--every student is assigned a number, and we get a rhythm going---slap, slap, clap, clap, snap, snap... Once everyone is on the rhythm, number jumps in, saying "uno" on the first snap, and then another number with the second snap. The next time, the student who just had her number called says HER number on the first snap of the fingers and then a NEW person's number on the second snap.
3) Mystery number game--I come up with a five digit number (or so). Then they have to guess it... Let's say my number is 9209. The first volunteer says, "Es tu número 2103?" (“Is your number 2103?”) I would say, "Mi número es más grande. Tienes dos números correctos y UN número en el lugar correcto.” (“My number is bigger. You have two numbers correct and one number in the correct place.”) The game continues until they get the number.
4) Bingo... They write the numbers as numbers on their papers--and I call them in Spanish. If they get "Gano!" as I call it, they have to tell me, in Spanish, which numbers they have.

Pamela. Creative ways to practice numbers? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 26 Aug 2007).

I created a 3x5 card for each student and put two numbers in fraction format (example for a group of three people: 12 /73, 73/22, 22/12). Whatever the bottom number is on one card must be the top number on the next card. The last card should have as the bottom number the top number for the first card. So, it goes in a circle. I also create a list for myself to know the order of the numbers. Each student draws/is dealt a card and then we begin. I say the first number. The students have to listen and when they hear their top number, they must quickly say the bottom number. Once they get the routine, then I challenge them to see how fast we can get through the stack. We redeal the cards. I get out the stop watch. I post their time on the board for other classes to try and beat, or for them to beat the next day.

Simpson, K. Re: Creative ways to practice numbers? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 26 Aug 2007).

Split the class into groups of four. Give each a card with four dates on it, A, B, C, D. Everyone takes a turn reading their A date, and they would be something like "5/17/1517 (Jose), 5/5/1757 (Maria), 7/17/1507 (Guadalupe), and 7/7/1775 (Pablo)." After everyone reads date A, they individually decide the correct chronological order of the dates. The last example, then, hopefully everyone will decide Guadalupe, Jose, Maria, and then Pablo. Then the group continues with date B, date C, etc. You can be as tricky or as easy as you want, keep the same year and just change the day, use all the difficult numbers.

Another game more for recognition is a simple memory game, where you have the numerals to match up with written-out words.

Henman, B. Re: Creative ways to practice numbers? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 27 Aug 2007).

For more ideas for practicing numbers, see next week’s InterCom for Part 2.
Inputdate2007-08-31 02:12:17
Lastmodifieddate2007-08-31 02:12:17
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Publishdate2007-09-03 00:00:00
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