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TitleAERA Bilingual Education Research Dissertation Award Competition
AERA Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group (SIG)
9th 2007-2008 Dissertation Award Competition
Call for Applications

The 9th Dissertation Competition is open for recent and in progress graduates, who earned or will earn a Ph. D. or Ed. D. degree between January 2006 and July 2007. The topic of the dissertation should be related to the area of bilingual education research, including work with any language-minority population and either qualitative or quantitative research methodology. The Dissertation Competition Committee will be comprised of researchers representing the broad areas of expertise within bilingual education research, as well as regions across the country. The criteria used for evaluating the applications submitted will center on the quality of the dissertation (rigor of methodology and theoretical and educationally applied contribution to the field), as well as the innovations generated by the research work.

Persons interested should submit documents that conform to the following criteria: (1) have a summary no longer than 10 pages that includes sections on statement of the problem, theoretical framework, methodology, results and discussion, and conclusions/significance for theory and practice; and it should be typed doubled-spaced, with no authors©ˆ identification (ready for blind review); (2) the summary should follow the American Psychological Association (APA, 5th edition) Publication Manual Standards; (3) have a separate title page (not counted within the 10 pp. limit) with authors©ˆ name, address, institutional affiliation, telephone, and fax numbers, and e-mail address, and names of dissertation committee chair(s) and members; and (4) includes separate reference pages (not counted within the 10 page limit), with only the references cited in the summary.

Please submit the above documents electronically (as attachments in Word compatible files) to the Chair of the Dissertation Award Competition Committee for the Bilingual Education Research SIG at AERA , by September 17, 2007 (deadline). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Gonzalez.

Inputdate2007-08-31 01:43:06
Lastmodifieddate2007-08-31 01:43:06
Expdate2007-09-18 00:00:00
Publishdate2007-09-03 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set