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Title101 Ideas for Class Starters: Part 2
An FLTEACH user recently posted 101 different ideas for class starters (also known as warmups, bellringers, or sponge activities). Many of these ideas could be used at any point in class. Here are the second 51, continued from last week:

51. If... Hand out cards with "if" clauses; ss must find their correct partner *
52. Tag inspections Look at clothes tags...what country do they come from
53. Dice Use a die for verb conjugation
54. Mapping...future plans, the past *
55. Xmas/b-day if I were a present I would be...for...because*
56. Act out a poem
57. My name is...and I like...Her name is...and she likes
58. Phone number activity 1/2 class writes their phone #, other 1/2 makes the call
59. Tell me a Yarn. S. picks length of yarn to be cut and talk as they wrap around their finger
60. HURRAH! Write a cheer for study skills, good health, finding a date
61. Scrambled words within categories, which does not belong
62. Directed stories...use pix or suggestions
63. Fortune telling with a deck of cards. Hearts=love; diamonds=finances; clubs=school; spades=health*
64. Pix 1/2 and 1/2: S. describe 1/2 a pic to another s. who determines 2nd 1/2
65. The Fly swatter game
66. The 10 things list: List 10 things you can do at...
67. Trace a letter on the back of the student in front of them to spell a word
68. Living sentences: S. are given an envelope w/a sentence cut up to rebuild
69. The parrot activity. T. says my name is Mme.X, s. says my name is..
70. Names in the hat. A s. pulls 2 names out of a hat, and the class compares the ss. (Who's the tallest, best cook, best in math, nicest, most patient, etc.)
71. Matching. Match flag with country/nationality/capitals
72. True and false statement ex: We walk on the ceiling/ice is cold
73. Line up. S. line up according to their birth date or size or..
74. Match famous paintings with their artist. Match date, country, title...
75. The Price is right. Magazine cut out. Hold up and ask for the correct price
76. Write captions...for a comic strip
77. How many things do you remember? Show a variety of items, then take them away
78. Give someone advice for good health, success, wealth*
79. Word search
80. Cross word puzzles with the answer to a culture question
81. Across words only, with answer built in
82. Illustrate. S. write the typical qualities or faults with a particular zodiac sign*
83. What is the missing word? S. listen for missing word in song or poem
84. A survey. French fashion or Spanish situation/preferences*
85. Find someone who...T.creates a grid with various fun people facts. Ss go around the room to find a student who fits the fact*
86. Pictionary
87. Jeopardy
88. Balderdash. Give 1 correct definition and 3 false ones for an unfamiliar word *
89. Reassemble. Put a poem back together, use strips with sentences color coded
90. Make a puzzle. Use a pic/glue it to cardstock, cut up into pieces
91. Listen to a song and decide what the lyrics describe *
92. Throw a ball around and ask questions based on categories
93. Culture Scramble. Scrambled cultural facts, use monuments, art, lit.
94. You are lost on an island. Given a list of items, which 5 items would you keep and why?
95. Name that country. Play music from diff. countries, guess which country
96. Draw items on the board: guitar, car, keys,house, books, etc. Use adjectives to match them all
97. Bingo. S. spell out numbers on paper based on chosen bingo card
98. 20 questions...*
99. Scategories *
100. Culture Q&A. Ss. get 3 cultural questions and 3 answers, find your partner!
101. Hangman

Hess, D. Here it is: Class Starters. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 4 Aug 2007).

For more FLTEACH ideas for class starters, go to the FLTEACH archives at .

Inputdate2007-08-26 11:06:20
Lastmodifieddate2007-08-26 11:06:20
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Publishdate2007-08-27 00:00:00
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