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TitlePresent Perfect Writing Ideas
Here are some topics that FLTEACH users have suggested for maximizing use of the present perfect:

I combined the present perfect with the environment. Students were paired and they expressed things that they and others have done to improve the environment. Another activity included using the same slogans and making mini posters as 'slogans' for Earth Day.

Brown, H. Re: Present perfect writing ideas. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 8 May 2007).

I give everyone a page with various want ads from our local Spanish language newspaper. Then I have them choose one and write a cover letter to apply for the job. If you have the time, then, you can turn this into a skit by pairing up students and having them go through a job interview.

A fun oral activity is to put on a quick, spoof "beauty" contest. You can make it a typical contest, or be inventive and have the El Guerrero (our mascot is the Warriors) competition to see who the best warrior is, etc. The day before, assign a few students to be the emcees and write up questions such as, Que has hecho para mejorar el mundo? (What have you done to improve the world?) Que has hecho para ayudar a un amigo? (What have you done to help a friend?), etc. Contestants are advised to think of the kinds of questions they should expect to be asked, but just like real contestants they won't actually know what will be asked of them until the actual competition. Then the day of the "contest" the contestants get to answer the questions a la beauty pageant interview. Students can be themselves or role play famous people. Other students can be the judges who have to write up their decision, justifying it with "Srta. X gano porque ha... Depending on your group, you could change the context easily to a scholarship competition, etc.

Henman, B. Re: Present perfect writing ideas. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 8 May 2007).

Inputdate2007-07-08 06:48:45
Lastmodifieddate2007-07-08 06:48:45
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Publishdate2007-07-09 00:00:00
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