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TitleReduced ELL Teacher Training Worries Educators

Reduced training worries educators: A bill sent to the governor would hurt students learning English, bilingual activists say.

Victor Manuel Ramos
June 13, 2007

Florida has been working to raise educational standards, but state legislators moved recently to lower the training requirement of reading teachers who work with students learning English.

A bill awaiting Gov. Charlie Crist's review is worrying bilingual educators and activists who say that students will be hurt if training is reduced.

The question is whether those who teach reading in English to speakers of other languages should be required to complete 300 hours of training, as currently required, or whether 60 hours is adequate.

Under the bill, only English teachers would have to meet the tougher rule. Reading teachers would fall under the lesser requirement, which applies to teachers of other school subjects.

Crist had yet to receive the bill, which would become law 15 days after it is delivered to him if he does not veto it.

Read the entire article at,0,75006.story?coll=orl-home-headlines .

SourceOrlando Sentinel
Inputdate2007-06-24 11:29:41
Lastmodifieddate2007-06-24 11:29:41
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-06-25 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set