View Content #6322

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TitleIdea for Practicing Relative Clauses in German
A German college teacher gives the following idea for practicing relative clauses:

I do a "Tabu" type of game. The students are given cards with items in English written on them that they have to purchase in a store in a German-speaking country, where the salesclerk (oddly) speaks no English at all. The items on the shopping list are of course items for which they don't know the German: safety pin, clothes hanger, tweezer; if you want extra laughs you can include diarrhea medicine and such. Of course you have to stress that they use phrases like "Es ist ein Ding, mit [dem] man...." I usually write on the board "Es ist ein Ding/Instrument/ eine Maschine", etc. This works well if you can separate the class into two teams.

Babilon, S. Re: [AATG-L] relative clause exercise?. American Association of Teachers of German listserv (AATG@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU, 4 Jun 2007).

Inputdate2007-06-10 10:49:09
Lastmodifieddate2007-06-10 10:49:09
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-06-11 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set