View Content #6202

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TitleNew Issue of the American Council on Immersion Education Newsletter
The winter issue of the ACIE Newsletter was published in February 2007. It includes the following articles:

* Immersion Milestones: Thirty-two Years of French Immersion in Maryland and Twenty Years of Spanish Immersion in Minnesota
* Immersion 101: A New Revolution in China: English Immersion
* Best Practices: ¡Rin, rin, teléfono!: A Vocabulary-Building Activity
* Book Review: European Perspectives on Content-based Language Learning
* The Bridge from Research to Practice: Foreign Language Immersion Programs: Features and Trends Over Thirty-Five Years

Each fall CARLA sends a copy of the ACIE Newsletter to all ACIE members and to those on the CARLA database who have indicated an interest in immersion education. CARLA also sends out copies of the fall ACIE Newsletter to all immersion schools listed on the database maintained by the Center for Applied Linguistics. The winter and spring editions of the Newsletter are sent to ACIE members only.

If you join ACIE you will receive a discount coupon to attend the CARLA immersion summer institutes. There are two categories for membership; individual and institutional. More information is available at: .

An archive of articles published by ACIE is maintained by CARLA. Immersion Project staff recently reorganized the ACIE archive to make it easier for users to search for and retrieve information housed in this extensive collection of past ACIE articles. See: .

Inputdate2007-05-20 11:48:38
Lastmodifieddate2007-05-20 11:48:38
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-05-21 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set