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TitleIdeas for Assessing Speaking
Three ideas from FLTEACH users for speaking assessments at the end of the year:

For the speaking portion of the final exam, I have them do an impromptu skit. I print out a list of topics or "situations.” For example, for Spanish II, one of the situations may read, "You are a family of three--mom, dad, and son/daughter. You are on a train to Chicago, or at least that is what you think. What does the family do when they find out that they got on the wrong train?"

If the situation is for FOUR people, I simply choose FOUR names from a cup. Every person needs to talk. If a student doesn't talk, I put their name back in the cup until they do. I give them a FIVE-MINUTE limit from the moment I give them the script. A colleague of mine has adapted this but gives the kids five minutes to prepare, so the first group would get five minutes, and while they are presenting, the next group is planning.

Pamela. Re: assessing for speaking. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 28 Apr 2007).

During the entire month of May, I have the opening exercise in every class of "talking about the picture." I put old transparencies on the overhead projector, and I call on about 1/3 of the class to "talk about the picture." I tell the beginning students they need to tell me at least five sentences about the picture: "The girl is little, the boy is talking to the girl"... whereas the intermediate students need to use some of the skills they've learned (past tense, pronouns, etc.) "The blond girl gave the boy a picture, and he returned it to her." And the advanced classes need to show more fluency and ease instead of just five disjointed sentences.

On the day before the written exam, after attendance, they all sit in the hallway. I call one in at a time, and show a new picture. I let them have a few minutes to sit and look at it and formulate what they are going to talk about. When they talk, I take notes, and I briefly relate my opinion of how they did. The person who just spoke stays in the room, (studying for the written exam)... they just call the next person into the room (a name drawn out of a basket) so that they can all use the same picture without anyone knowing ahead of time what the it is.

In the larger classes, I use two pictures. I tell one student who just enters the room, he/she is "on deck" and has time to look at that picture while another student is talking to me at my desk.

Flaugher, D. assessing for speaking. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 28 Apr 2007).

I do a “fiesta oral” with my class. First, we have two days of "oral practice.” The night before, for homework, I have them go through all the chapters they have studied that term and formulate general questions (not "yes or no") using the vocab and verb tenses. On Practice Day 1, they switch papers with a partner and go around asking each other questions for practice. They must talk in Spanish the whole period-- I give them a score out of 10 just for participating and working hard. That night, I look through their questions and choose about 15. On Practice Day 2, I have a transparency of the final 15 (they have access to a copy on my website). They once again spend the whole period talking in Spanish and can earn 10 points.

On the day of the "Fiesta Oral", students bring food and we pretend we are at a social event. They mix and mingle quietly (in Spanish) and one by one come to me and pull one of the 15 questions out of a basket. I ask them the question and they answer. Depending on how much they talk, I could ask 4 questions, or just 2. I give them a grade out of 80 using a rubric. After every one has gone once, if students feel like they could have done better or froze up, etc., I give them a chance to come visit me again.

Lewis, Joy. Re: assessing for speaking. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 30 Apr 2007).
Inputdate2007-05-13 09:52:41
Lastmodifieddate2007-05-13 09:52:41
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Publishdate2007-05-14 00:00:00
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