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TitleArticle: California Launches New ELL Assessment

California Launches New ELL Assessment
By Mary Ann Zehr
March 28, 2007

California schools began this month to administer a new assessment in Spanish for English-language learners, but the test will not be used for accountability purposes under the No Child Left Behind Act.

Deb Sigman, the assessment director for the California Department of Education, said the state board of education would have to authorize the state to use a Spanish-language test to calculate adequate yearly progress for some English-language learners under the federal education law.

“It’s kind of up in the air because the No Child Left Behind Act will be reauthorized at some point,” she said. “We don’t know what that reauthorization will look like and what will be called for in terms of native-language assessments.”

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SourceEducation Week
Inputdate2007-05-03 04:56:10
Lastmodifieddate2007-05-03 04:56:10
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-05-07 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set