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TitleJapanese Classes Sought for Pilot National Online Early Language Learning Assessment
I am Miyoko Nakajima and I work as the pilot coordinator for the National Online Early Language Learning Assessment (NOELLA) at the Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS). Thank you again for having participated in the first pilot test for Japanese NOELLA conducted last fall and winter. I am happy to announce that the second pilot test for Japanese NOELLA is now online and seeking participant classes.

CASLS will pilot the second Japanese NOELLA items in May and June 2007. We invite all teachers of Japanese in Grades 3 through 6 to participate in this exciting project. The test items will include new items, the same items from the first pilot, and items that have been modified after the first pilot. The students who have taken the first pilot are welcome to take the second pilot. Please plan ahead for this valuable opportunity for your students. There are a few steps to follow before being able to administer the assessment to your students:

1. Go to the NOELLA website at and read over the FAQ page. Have your technical support person at the school check the technology requirement page.
2. Click on “Register For NOELLA” and fill out the online registration form.
3. I will then send you an e-mail to confirm your participation, asking for a date and time during which you think you will administer the test to your students.
4. I will send you two consent forms, one of which will be given to the parents and the other one that will be read to the students before the test itself.
5. Once you have confirmed your test date and time with me, I will send you a username and password and you will be able to go to the website and log in to take the test!

Please let us know if you need a letter for your school or district supervisor. We also strongly encourage you to recruit colleagues at your school and in your area for any of our NOELLA pilots in Japanese, Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese.

Please, feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have.


Miyoko Nakajima
Japanese NOELLA Pilot Coordinator
Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS)

Inputdate2007-04-23 12:14:42
Lastmodifieddate2007-04-23 12:14:42
Expdate2007-11-30 00:00:00
Publishdate2007-04-23 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set